
How Much Money Can You Sue Someone For

If you are the target of defamatory statements or comments that have harmed you or your business'southward reputation, you lot may be wondering 'How much money tin you get suing for slander?'.

While in that location is no established amount you tin can get suing for slander, there are numerous factors that can influence how much you can be awarded, such as:

  • The nature of the defamatory argument(due south),
  • If y'all can show that the slanderer acted with actual malice,
  • If you can prove that you lot or your business organisation suffered financial loss equally a issue of the slanderous statements,
  • The trustworthiness of the testify and witnesses provided by each party, and
  • If y'all enlist expert witnesses to help establish general amercement like emotional distress or reputational impairment.

In our experience, nearly clients' goal is to remove the content and put an cease to defamation; however, some clients also wish to be awarded monetary damages as compensation for their losses.

At Minc Law, nosotros have helped hundreds of clients file successful defamation lawsuits in 26 states and five countries. We accept also authored more than than 22 defamation law state guides, too as The Complete Guide to Online Defamation— so we are extremely familiar with defamation lawsuit requirements in the United States (and across the globe).

In this article, we lay out the average costs involved in filing a defamation lawsuit, likewise every bit how to calculate damages as the victim of slander. Then, we explain what evidence is needed to successfully obtain compensation for defamation of character.

What is the Cost of a Defamation Lawsuit?

Before jumping into how much yous can go, it'southward important to first understand the costs associated with filing one in the showtime place that volition decrease any payment or settlement corporeality from the kickoff.

Since filing a defamation lawsuit is non ever the correct fit for every target of false statements, suing for slander should non be taken lightly. Generally, a defamation lawsuit should exist viewed as a last resort after exhausting all other strategies and avenues possible to remedy your defamation matter.

Below, we examine the cost of suing for slander then that you accept an idea of a reasonable budget that filing suit requires.

How Much Does Information technology Cost to Bring a Defamation Lawsuit Confronting Someone?

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The question of how much a defamation lawsuit costs is non always a unproblematic answer. When it comes to filing a defamation lawsuit and seeing it through to a indicate of resolution, the cost is largely adamant and influenced several factors, such as:

  • Where the defamation took place, how all-encompassing it is, and the specific defamation law(s) that employ to your example;
  • How easy information technology is to place and find the defendant(s)—and whether they volition contest your allegations;
  • How well the evidence proves your case and how much discovery is needed;
  • The lawyer's billable charge per unit and fee structure (and the billable rates of any additional local counsel, if needed);
  • How long the litigation lasts, the number of court appearances required, and whether time is of the essence;
  • A particular courtroom's filing fees; and
  • The amount of monetary amercement, legal relief, and/or non-legal relief requested.

Given the variability of the factors above, it is not like shooting fish in a barrel to give an judge of how much a defamation lawsuit volition cost in total. Notwithstanding, based on our bookkeeping data, almost defamation lawsuits on average resolve for roughly $15,000 -$16,000 with monthly costs running anywhere from $one,000 to $three,000. Contested and other more complex cases tin can run upwards of $three,000 to $6,000 a month on average and are much lengthier and plush.

Minc Law Tip: The costs of any lawsuit are variable and tin be affected by many factors. Information technology is usually best to consult an experienced defamation lawyer for an estimate based on your unique situation. For more information on what to await financially when filing a slander lawsuit, cheque out our article: How Much Does a Defamation Lawsuit Price? . Nosotros also recommend reading our Pricing Folio for further information on internet-related legal costs.

How to Summate Amercement in a Slander Case

In a lawsuit, damages refers to an umbrella term for any form of monetary compensation awarded to the plaintiff past the court. For defamation cases such every bit a slander lawsuit, defamation damages refer to the compensation for damage suffered as a issue of the defamatory argument(s).

Below, we examine how to calculate damages in a defamation case, the average amount awarded in such cases, and the factors that touch on how much you tin can claim.

What Do Y'all Need to Summate How Much to Claim as Damages in a Lawsuit For Defamation?

Calculating damages in defamation matters can be difficult, as each state has its own requirements as to what amercement a defamation plaintiff is entitled to recover. Additionally, some categories of damages like "reputation harm" and "emotional distress" are generic or nebulous in nature and tin can exist hard to prove in exact dollar figures if you don't accept evidence of medical records and costs or other hard evidence and documentation or witnesses. Although this doesn't necessarily mean you lot tin can't get them.

To start, assemble and document evidence of how you have suffered every bit a result of the slanderous statement(s). Common examples of harm suffered include:

  • Medical expenses,
  • Expenses incurred to remediate or mitigate amercement,
  • Lost earnings, clients or revenue,
  • Future losses, earnings, or revenue,
  • Attorneys' fees, and
  • Other miscellaneous expenses, such every bit loss or dilution of intellectual property.

Preserve video or other evidence of the spoken defamation if possible, along with screenshots of whatever messages or comments you received from others telling you they heard or saw the slander have place.

Then, appraise any way that the slander has caused a negative change in your life or your business's lesser line. If y'all have lost your job or chore opportunities due to the slander, preserve whatsoever bear witness of that fact. Or if the slander has harmed your business organisation, collect prove of the decrease in acquirement, customers, and/or severed business partnerships.

And if the trauma of the slander acquired you to need treatment for mental or physical health weather, preserve bear witness of those expenses as well.

What is the Average Corporeality Awarded in a Successful Defamation Conform?

Because of the broad variety of factors and situations possible, it is difficult to pinpoint an "average defamation settlement" for slander plaintiffs. As emphasized higher up, at that place is no 1-size-fits-all definition of what 'success' means for plaintiffs.

For example, some plaintiffs may want to obtain budgetary compensation for the harm they suffered, while others may only want the defamatory content or statement removed or retracted. In our experience, jury verdicts in defamation cases can range from tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars, up to millions or fifty-fifty tens of millions of dollars in certain cases.

At that place are many factors that can determine the right settlement for your specific slander consequence. Such factors may include the nature of the defamatory statements and if you can prove that the accused made those statements with actual malice. Also, damages may be affected by whether you can bear witness that you suffered financial loss or other economic damages or whether your country has statutory caps on the amount of certain damages you can obtain.

And finally, your settlement may be affected by the credibility of the show and proficient witnesses yous use to constitute that you suffered emotional distress or other harm.

What Factors Affect How Much You Should Sue For Damages in a Defamation Lawsuit?

The amount of damages you lot should sue for depends on what type(s) of damages apply in your case and the evidence to prove each type. Depending on the jurisdiction, there are a few kinds of damages available in a defamation accommodate including actual, nominal, and punitive damages.

Bodily (Compensatory) Damages

Actual damages, also known as compensatory damages, compensate the victim for the real harm they suffered. Actual amercement tin can be cleaved down further into either special or general amercement:

  • Special damages are awarded for economic damage the victim suffered as a outcome of the libel or slander.
  • General damages compensate the victim for the emotional distress and reputational impairment they suffered equally a result of the defamation.

Nominal Amercement

Nominal amercement are more of a recognition that "generally" impairment was caused to the plaintiff than a form of compensation. It can include things such as reputational harm and emotional distress that tin can be hard to prove equally a precise amount. These types of damages are intended to show that the plaintiff's rights were violated, they were obviously harmed some amount of money, and the amount the defendant is required to pay. Sometimes, nominal damage, as the name implies, is a small sum (such as $1), peculiarly if there aren't great facts showing serious allegations and impairment. However, that is certainly not always the example.

Nominal damages often lay the groundwork for other kinds of damages, such as punitive ones, and can be quite high in some cases.

Castigating Amercement

Finally, punitive damages punish the accused for their defamatory statements. If the plaintiff can show that the defendant acted with bodily malice or reckless disregard when communicating the defamatory statement(due south) in question, the plaintiff may exist awarded punitive damages.

What a Victim Needs to Prove to Establish Defamation

Once you make up one's mind to sue for slander, the next stride is to get together evidence of how much harm the slanderer did to your personal and/or professional reputation.

In this section, we have a look at the kinds of proof you tin can use in a defamation case, the possible defamation defenses the perpetrator tin rely on, and which party has the burden of proof.

What Are the Grounds For a Defamation Lawsuit?

The key question to answer before filing a defamation lawsuit is whether you have a valid defamation claim. If you do not take a valid claim, there is no reason to move forward.

Defamation refers to a imitation statement of fact that is communicated to a 3rd party and causes damage to another person or entity'southward reputation. Information technology is broken downwards into ii types: libel (written defamation) and slander (spoken defamation).

While the legal elements of defamation may vary from country to country, a plaintiff must generally prove that the post-obit four elements are nowadays to have a valid defamation claim:

  • A simulated argument of fact about the plaintiff,
  • The statement was communicated to a third party,
  • The statement was communicated at least a negligent level of intent, and
  • The statement acquired damage to the plaintiff's reputation.

The Statement Contained a False Assertion of Fact About the Plaintiff

Showtime, the statement fabricated about y'all must be false. If the statement was merely an opinion ("I detest her" or "I wouldn't be surprised if he was on drugs"), it does not qualify as slander.

Also, a reasonable person must be able to sympathise that the false statement refers to you.

When gathering evidence, begin by preserving a record of what was said so that you tin can demonstrate that information technology is a simulated argument of fact almost you.

The Statement Was Communicated to a Third Party

Side by side, you must demonstrate that the false statement was communicated to a third party. If the defendant simply made the false claim privately to you, that situation would not authorize as defamation.

If you can, document any proof confirming that other people heard the slanderous statement(s). For example, you may be able to take screenshots of letters or obtain signed affidavits from witnesses.

The Argument Was Made With At Least a Negligent Level of Intent

Next, you must evidence that the slanderer acted out of at least negligence. A negligent level of intent means that the accused was not every bit thoughtful or cautious as a reasonable person would be earlier making the statement in a similar situation.

Minc Law Defamation Fact: If you are a public figure or official, the brunt of proof in a defamation example is stricter Y'all must prove that the slanderer acted with bodily malice or reckless condone , significant they knew the argument was fake and fabricated it anyhow, or they made the statement not caring whether information technology was accurate.

The Statement Caused Damage to the Plaintiff's Reputation

Finally, y'all need to show that the slander acquired existent impairment to your reputation. In some categories of defamation (such as slander per se), damages are presumed.

But if your merits does not fall into one of these categories (or if y'all wish to strengthen your example), you must prove the harm yous suffered. Such proof of damage or harm may include:

  • Financial loss—bank statements, tax returns, documentation of lost employment opportunities, etc.
  • Physical and/or mental distress—medical records showing loftier blood force per unit area, anxiety attacks, a depression diagnosis, etc.
  • The cost of mitigating the harm caused past the slander—attorney fees, content removal services, PR expenses, etc.

What Are the Defenses to a Defamation Claim?

Before initiating a slander lawsuit, y'all should be aware that the slanderer may use legal defenses to button dorsum confronting your merits. The most common defenses to defamation include:

  • Opinion,
  • Truth,
  • Privilege,
  • The statute of limitations,
  • Department 230 of the Communications Decency Human action, and
  • Anti-SLAPP lawsuits.

1. Stance

Past definition, defamation is a faux statement of fact. If the statement cannot exist definitively proven truthful or simulated, the defendant may invoke the opinion defence force.

However, statements that include both opinion and fact are not exempt from a slander claim. If the hearer of the statement can reasonably interpret the argument to exist fact rather than opinion, it can be classified every bit slander.

two. Truth (Including Substantial Truth)

A defamatory statement must not only be a argument of fact, merely it must be false. If the statement is true, it cannot exist defamatory.

The substantial truth doctrine states that even if the argument contains pocket-size or immaterial inaccuracies, as long the statement every bit a whole is factually true, the court may determine that the defense of truth applies.

3. Privilege

The defense of privilege refers to the defendant'due south right to make a argument, regardless of its contents, because of the context of the statement.

Privilege is typically broken downwardly into several core types: absolute privilege, qualified privilege, fair report privilege, and statutory privilege. Common applicative situations include:

  • Official, legislative, or judicial proceedings;
  • References provided by a prior employer;
  • Reports fabricated to the police virtually a crime; and
  • Journalists protecting an anonymous source.

iv. Statute of Limitations

The statute of limitations is a time limit placed on a plaintiff'due south power to initiate a legal activity. For cases of defamation, the statute of limitations begins running as soon as the defamatory statement was made. The fourth dimension limit varies past jurisdiction, but most U.S. states require plaintiffs to file their slander suit within ane year.

Video: What is the Statute of Limitations for Defamation in the U.S.?

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This defense is one of the near important factors that y'all and your attorney should assess before bringing a slander claim. If the statute of limitations has already passed, there is a strong likelihood that the court volition dismiss your case.

v. Section 230 of the CDA

Section 230 of the Communications Decency Human activity (CDA) is a federal law that provides near-blanket legal immunity for interactive computer services that publish content provided by third parties. For example, search engines like Google and social media platforms like Facebook are generally exempt from defamation lawsuits, since the content aggregated by those sites is published by third parties.

Video: What to Do If You Are Being Slandered or Libeled on Facebook

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Minc Law Tip: In the world of online defamation, 1 of the most frequently asked questions is whether a hosting platform similar Google tin be sued. In virtually every example, information technology is a much amend choice to sue the individual who made the statement instead. For more data, see our commodity: Can I Sue Google?

6. Anti-SLAPP Laws

Anti-SLAPP laws are legal safeguards to protect against powerful entities from filing defamation lawsuits (normally referred to as 'strategic lawsuits against public participation') to intimidate or censor a particular person. Anti-SLAPP laws protect individuals and entities from frivolous lawsuits and promote freedom of speech.

Before you lot file a slander lawsuit, it is important to ensure that your claim is meritorious and consider whether the defendant has cause to rely on an Anti-SLAPP police force to rebut frivolous claims.

To learn in greater particular about the various defamation defenses possible, see our article: The Most Mutual Defenses to Defamation.

Who Has the Burden of Proof in a Defamation Instance?

The "brunt of proof" is the responsibleness to produce evidence persuasive enough to establish that your claim holds weight. In defamation lawsuits, the plaintiff has the burden of proof and must prove that the defendant acted with at least a negligent caste of intent when publishing the defamatory argument(due south).

However, that burden of proof varies depending on their status in guild—such as if they are a individual or public effigy—and if the topic is a affair of public or private concern. For instance, a public figure plaintiff must evidence that the defendant acted with actual malice when communicating the defamatory statement(s).

How Hard is It to Win a Slander Lawsuit?

What constitutes "winning" a slander lawsuit depends on your goals. Your platonic result might range from just removing the defamatory content from the internet to identifying the anonymous defamer, to obtaining budgetary damages.

In our experience, in cases where the client'southward master goal is to remove defamatory content from the internet or identify the defamer backside the faux statements, we can mostly reach this in 90% of all cases.

But if you lot wish to obtain a pregnant sum in budgetary damages, "winning" the case is much more hard and, frankly, costly. You will typically spend more fourth dimension and resource to bring a case to trial and prove amercement while refuting any of the accused'due south arguments.

How to Obtain Bounty for Defamation of Grapheme

If you are the target of slander, you lot may want compensation for the impairment washed to you or your business organisation'due south reputation. In this section, we examine what kinds of relief you can expect and the best mode to obtain compensation in a defamation example.

What Kinds of Compensation and Relief Tin can Y'all Receive For Defamation of Character?

The types and amount of relief yous tin can await in a defamation case depend in large part on the specifics of the defamatory statement.

The types of relief and/or damages you can expect to receive usually fall under two categories:

  1. Monetary compensation and
  2. Injunctive/equitable relief.

Monetary Compensation

Monetary bounty, or fiscal damages, include whatever losses of a monetary nature that are a event of the defamatory publication. Examples include:

  • Lost earnings, business, and revenue;
  • Future losses; and
  • Expenses incurred in the grade of legal action.

Monetary compensation can likewise embrace emotional distress. In cases similar these, proving emotional distress oft requires obtaining the testimony of expert witnesses. And the plaintiff'due south brownie as well plays a part in whether the judge or jury believes they should receive compensation for emotional distress.

Injunctive/Equitable Relief

The other type of compensation awarded to plaintiffs in defamation cases is injunctive, or equitable, relief. This type of relief is non-budgetary bounty, such as:

  • Temporary and permanent injunctions,
  • Courtroom orders to remove content, and
  • Non-disparagement agreement (for example, i preventing the accused from publishing the statement in the futurity).

For most of our clients, removing the defamatory content and stopping the harassment from continuing is typically their chief goal. Therefore, they are usually focused on obtaining injunctive relief over monetary compensation.

How Do Y'all Ensure You Are Compensated For Grapheme Defamation?

At that place are no guarantees when dealing with a defamation of character lawsuit. However, to increase your chances of being compensated for character defamation, we recommend that you lot piece of work with an experienced defamation chaser.

Follow their advice on evidence preservation techniques and strategies, and brand sure that your goals are realistic and achievable.

What Should Y'all Practise if the Defendant Party Cannot Pay Character Defamation Damages

This is an important consideration that you need to explore with your experienced internet defamation chaser before you lot file suit. For case, a judgment of $1 meg is only worth what you can collect.

An experienced attorney can help yous research and investigate the opposing party'due south assets or if defamation insurance coverage may exist applicable. Ofttimes, insurance coverage in defamation matters is rare but nosotros have encountered cases where parties are covered nether renters or homeowners insurance policies and/or business policies.

If obtaining compensation is your primary goal and the accused party cannot pay, a judgment volition not practice you whatsoever skillful.

Consider what "winning" really ways to you and if it includes non-monetary relief to be made whole, such equally a retraction, public amends, or complete removal of the content altogether (in libel cases).

Is It Worth Suing For Slander?

While yous may be concerned about the toll of filing a lawsuit or the potential damages to be claimed if you win, the determination to bring a merits of slander should never exist about the money.

Instead, whether suing for slander is "worth information technology" depends on your unique situation—which is why information technology is best to consult an experienced defamation attorney who can help you counterbalance the benefits, costs, and risks.

In the end, nosotros notice that most clients feel that suing for slander is worth the cost of their coin, endeavor, and fourth dimension if it will effectively stop the hurting and harassment the defamation is causing them.

Work With Minc Law to Sue For Slander

A slander lawsuit is a weighty and potentially very expensive undertaking. Deciding to sue for slander is not one you should make quickly or take lightly. Even with a strong example, it can accept many months to accomplish your ultimate goal—and there is likewise a good adventure that there could be cheaper, faster, and just every bit effective options available.

At Minc Law, slander and defamation police force is at the cadre of what nosotros do—meaning that nosotros have proven experience and intimate noesis of all the twists and turns of a slander lawsuit.


"Dayra was so amazing! She replied promptly to all my questions and concerns. She was extremely helpful and worked on my situation very quickly. I would HIGHLY recommend Minc Law. Professional and prompt!!"

Anonymous, Nov 11, 2020

If yous accept been the victim of slander and want to learn more than about your options, contact our part for a complimentary, no-obligation consultation by calling (216) 373-7706, filling out our contact class, or speaking with a Conversation Representative.

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