
How Much Money Do Hillsongs Worship Leaders Make

On Tuesday, a worship leader explained on his blog why he won't sing songs from Hillsong or Jesus Culture at his church. The blog post was taken down because the debate got pretty intense. But if yous're looking for the summary, he chooses to avert songs from those two churches because of the theology taught by their pastors. Specifically what many decide to be the prosperity gospel.

His idea is that singing these songs endorses the platform, contributes financially to their goals, and contributes to the compromised philosophy.

Note: This is irrespective of theology contained within a detail song. It's but a reflection of the songs' writers and their affiliations.

I'k not entirely sure how I feel about this. I've besides wondered how many churches accept stopped singing Vicky Beeching songs since she came out as gay non wanting to associate with a lifestyle they don't concur with or believe honors God. I also wonder how many of those churches name their serial titles things like "Modern Family unit" or titles based on other popular civilization trends.

At what point practice we draw the line? If a worship leader has a moral failure or divorces his wife unrepentantly, does that warrant a removal of their songs from your song library? In that location have been a slew of moral failures amid worship leaders I'm aware of that haven't exactly made headlines.

I suppose the true question is this: how much of a song holds the marking of its author? I think of songs similar "A Mighty Fortress is Our God", whose tune was a pop bar song. Does a song carry morality with it? Or is it just words set to music?

Once more, I'one thousand not sure I accept a particular stance i way or another on this. And I'm frankly not sure in that location is a correct respond. Merely I call back information technology'south a valuable thing to wrestle with these questions to evaluate and prayerfully consider the role music has in our congregations.

What are your thoughts? Where do you stand up on the result?


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32 replies on "Why One Worship Leader Won't Sing Hillsong Songs"

I call up what's at issue is the whole concept of censorship, that the pastor needs to 'protect his flock' from bad doctrine by ensuring that they never come into contact with it. Not only is this probably wrong-headed, information technology's also impossible. What you tin can practice is attempt to educate people in what orthodoxy IS, and so they will hopefully recognize what it is non.

Smashing perspective.

2nd John ten if there come up any unto y'all, and bring non this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed. If we are going to do what God says hear, how is it okay to purchase their songs and support them. Romans 16:17 Now I beseech yous, brethren, marking them which crusade divisions and offenses opposite to the doctrine which you lot accept learned and avert them. Galatians 1:9 As nosotros said earlier, so say I now once more. If any man preach whatsoever other gospel unto you, let him be accursed.

Jonathan, thanks for discussing!

Seth, my desire isn't to shield anyone from exposure to bad theology. I know they're expised to information technology all calendar week long. My philosophy is, there is no lack of songs beingness written by imperfect people in far more orthodox settings than those who espouse the Prosperity Gospel. I wouldn't quote their pastors or let them preach in our church, then why would I use the songs they write (even if the theology contained within is sound)?

I agree. Why does a pastor tell me that the prosperity gospel is not of God but approves the worship songs directly from the prosperity church?

Was glad y'all posted the blog post. Bummed you took it downwardly…but I imagine some of the comments quickly became less than civil. I respect the choice. 😉

I chock it upwards to my own shortcomings in communicating. I don't recall the conversation got started very well, and I hoped it would straighten up, merely it just spiraled downwards. My hope in writing annihilation (controversial or not) is to get us thinking deeply about our underlying philosophies and checking whether they are grounded in biblical principles or not.

Cheers for discussing here, Jonathan.

Dan, That's sad that you take more time to put a church building down than uplift. I'g certain it's more of a deeper effect for y'all than just Hillsong & Jesus Civilization. I advise yous get help on that. Equally a worship leader you shouldn't be complaining.

I actually don't take a problem singing Hillsong and Jesus Culture songs just Paul you seem to merely chalk up Dan to needing help and as a complainer. I think he has a signal that we all demand to hear. At that place are many songs that are doctrinally wrong too every bit churches. I know nosotros are all imperfect but we need to be responsible for the truth we have come to know. So we need to take an open up dialogue virtually such things. It's Christians who are supposed to know the truth and share it. Obviously not with the intention of pain but to teach the truth to prepare people costless to live life in love, obedience and to the mission we have in Christ.

Once people have made up their mind almost what they think y'all're saying…there'southward often no coming back from that unfortunately. People are quick to gauge, quick to speak, and slow to change their minds. Haha

Interesting perspective. I'chiliad non aware that Hillsong or Jesus Culture promotes a prosperity gospel, only that may hateful I'm ignorant :^). I'chiliad happy to exist enlightened. I'd be curious how the "prosperity gospel" is defined, so I'd like to see how their statements of faith support that. I'm not proverb they don't, I just wasn't aware of it.

Anyway, with Vicky B information technology'due south a different issue. First, she said herself that she is gay, instead of someone saying it most her. Reading the story – information technology's heartbreaking. Information technology seems the church community didn't deal with it the right way – instead of helping her to live an integrated life, admitting her attraction and walking in community to bargain with it, she basically had no community & took her confessional to the newspaper. That doesn't mean that the church was wrong in maxim the homosexual lifestyle is wrong though.

I believe that everyone will stumble in some way and God can and does use flawed leaders. If someone stumbles and the issue becomes public, they take a choice to brand… agree with what God's word says, repent, and begin the healing process walking in community, or just say God is wrong…

Blanton, y'all can await at Amazon and see Brian Houston's book there entitled "You Demand More Coin". You tin hear his sermons and see how wrong they are. You can also hear sermons from Bethany Church (Jesus Culture) and run into that they too perchance promote prosperity, though the pastor is and so stream of conscious it'due south hard to know exactly what they stand up for. The certainly exercise stand for hyper-emotionalism though. Bethany is more of a circus than a church building.

"The certainly exercise stand for hyper-emotionalism though. Bethany is more of a circus than a church."
Y'all are exposing your own opinion via an assumption pb past you. In doing so you are no better than the people that yous deride, revile (please expect that 1 upwards in the Bible and please heed the alarm). Instead, use 'in my opinion' every bit opposed to make a statement. As a Church we are responsible to detect the ane thing as a higher calling above all else. LOVE. Please can we walk in it. If your response to me is less than loving and then you are, in Paul's words: a 'clanging cymbal' and the sound is far from good and more hypocritical than the subject your noise is fabricated most. Forgive those who turn a corner in a way we don't like but still understand that as they exercise, they walk the same road that nosotros do.

One correction: Luther or the Wesleys did non use drinking song tunes for their songs.

Hillsong's prosperity gospel doesn't bother the Helpmate of Christ enough to remove it's songs from our repertoire. But how quickly we would drop and flee from their entire discography were they to endorse aforementioned-sex marriage. In that location is no distinction between the ii scenarios but that the first is real. And is just as much an abomination to the true Gospel as the latter.

It is so deplorable that the evil that is done is not properly labeled. Brian Houston has compromised in many means. Hillsong is an backslider church building. Now if Hitler wrote beautiful and audio doctrinal songs, would we sing them in church? Would we ask the congregation to learn the beautiful songs? As a choir member, it offends my censor to sing songs of a Church that teaches false doctrine. I don't care how beautiful the tune or how sound the vocal. Nosotros cannot let get of our candy, our experience good songs, even though we know the pastor states that Muslims and Christians serve the aforementioned God? I believe when a church is unrepentant nosotros must pull away after we have spoken to them. And so Putin kicked all the not-Russian Orthodox Christians and all the cults out of Russia. Practise you lot think information technology would be proper to purchase Christian music coming out of the Russian Orthodox Church? They fine Christian Organizations to the tune of 15k for each crime. Why would we continue to practice business with them and buy their music? I do non care how beautiful the music is we should let it go. We become hypocrites if we condemn a church for teaching Prosperity (and refuses to teach what the Bible states about homosexuality) yet we continue to pad the pockets of the Apostate Church. Brian Houston and Bobbie are laughing all the way to the bank. They should exist forced to alter their Statement of Faith to what they actually preach. When nosotros buy their music we contribute to their negligence. "Nosotros have no rivals, We have no Equals…." I hear them sing.

i dont know you and so I cannot tell why you feel the way you lot do, but it makes me sorry. You sound aroused and hurt. Is in that location any grace in your life? so give a picayune of it back – God will be the judge in the finish – and we may be surprised at who is told ' I never knew you'. Peace to you lot.

God uses imperfect people and imperfect churches all the time. He ever has. In fact, if He wants to use people (even the "gate-keepers") that's all he has to choose from. If all truth is from God and the vocal is truthful then it should exist fine to use. I'm having this debate with one of my very good friends, and we come up down on opposite sides of the issue. We're both in senior leadership at our church to make things more complicated. While capeesh his commitment to truth, I'm frustrated and saddened by the unabridged state of affairs. Guilt by association is a terrible rule to alive under and one Jesus didn't care for much. Larn what you tin can from each person and test it in light of scripture and move on.

Somehow I stumbled upon this post today – years later the original conversation started. To be honest, I've never posted on on a public forum like this, but I felt compelled based upon many of the comments above. It's saddens me to see Christians knocking down other Christians and churches, rather that building each other upward. I have to wonder how many of those on this thread have saturday under Pastor Brian'southward leadership. As a person who attended Hillsong College and had the privilege to attend the primary campus in Commonwealth of australia for virtually 4 years, I can attest to the falsehood of many of the accusations presented throughout this thread. Yes – It's true that "no local church is perfect because it's total of people." As humans we take differing views and may never agree with every piece of doctrine, every word that one speaks from the pulpit, etc. However, Jesus calls the Church to love i another, to spur each other on, and to encourage each other. He certainly never asked usa to publicly speak poorly confronting other pastors on our soapboxes behind our digital screens. I accept to wonder if we all spent more fourth dimension encouraging rather than tearing i another downward what the globe would look like? My approximate is probably better. Saying a prayer for each of you lot today. Be blessed.

Bravo – cheers for these words bringing civility to this conversation.

i think the worship leader (and anyone who agrees with him) should also throw away their Bible along with the CD's of any one who has ever fallen brusque, as the Bible was written by "Short-comers" (PAUL, DAVID, MOSES, need i go on?) And then delight earlier yous delete hillsong songs delight delete your Bible also considering y'all must stay consistent with your "beliefs" SMDH!

Does Jesus get the GLORY? Does it draw people to the reality of Jesus and His finished redemptive sacrificial death and triumphant resurrection to rescue us from our sins and wrongs and eternal expiry and so when we believe in God the Son and repent of our own selfish rebellion and innate sinful nature, that we volition have everlasting life and exist covered in Jesus' righteousness and take heaven to come? (Romans 8, John 3, Romans 3) Is GOD lifted upward or is it a homo or pastor or music group getting the praise and honor and celebrity? If built-in again followers of Jesus tin can sing in worship to God and praise to Him alone, then perchance the songs are okay to sing, specially as most congregations may non be enlightened of the flawed nonBiblical health and wealth bent that it seems the churches the groups come from stand for… how lamentable- Jesus clearly promised we would face troubles and hardships and persecution if we truly followed Him and stood for His truth and Discussion simply that we would accept Him with us and know that we have heaven's assurance to come up one twenty-four hours "Take heart, I have overcome the world!" I know our church has used some songs and i simply became aware of this questionable marketing and false teaching that the hillsong churches exercise- how distressing to think they are leading sheep off-target- may God show Himself and His Truth and Love in the middle of any twisted mistruth or darkness. suffering is really one of the "blessings" we as believers should expect and rejoice in since we take promise of sky to come and Jesus with us through it. 1Peter John 14 Trust in Jesus Obey His Word (and repent over and over when we mess up praise Jesus for His ready forgiveness and grace and patience with me! -1 John Rest in God and rely on Him even in hard times-Hebrews 4!

What is truth and is it of import to support information technology? What should we stand up for and how far should we go to protect it? Are there somethings we should protect more then others. Yes, loving people and realizing that they are not perfect and they may non have the same views on a sure thing equally you do is important, but how does truth come into play here? When I found out that I was singing songs from a church that did not protect the truths that I hold dear, I felt betrayed. Yeah, many of the songs that I was singing are very heartfelt and I felt near to God when I sang them, but at present that I know, how tin I consciously support and promote, with my mouth and my money, such a organization or Church that does not concord upwardly to truth, the doctrines that the church was founded upon. The one who brought up Hitler in there mail service has a valid question. Would we back up a Church building or person who stands for heresy fifty-fifty if their songs were godly ones? Now I accept a dilemma, do I humbly stand up for what I believe because my censor demands information technology and risk my fellow christian brothers and sisters condemning me for my stand up on this effect, or do I coil over and become with the flow and forget I ever knew, burying my conscience along with information technology? What would you do in any other situation? Does Jesus get the glory? Yes. Did He cleanse the temple? Yeah. I don't have a problem with singing the songs as much as supporting their ministry. I want to sing songs that aren't tainted with a foundation of heresy and in that location are plenty out in that location to choose from.

Much qui without answer will not take you anywhere,
Merely trail your manuscripts and follow it in passion and you will run across the light

I recommend that every christian listen to Justin Peters' on why nosotros should non have Hillsong or Bethel music played in our churches. He has studied false cults for years and studied the scriptures diligently. They take some very strange beliefs which are definately non what a Bible believer would cover. The whole church building is based on cant with the covering upward of Brian Houston's father Frank Houston being a pedophile first being put out of The Salvation Army in NZ and then becoming i of the leaders in the AOG NZ preaching and exist involved in that Bible College in which I attended. He then went on to Australia and worked and preached with his son Brian for years while all the time abusing young boys ( I have simply listened to the testimony of a human who was raped repeatedly by Frank while staying at his home) W hen this was exposed the church covered it up. Young people are listening to their songs in our churches and thinking we endorse Hillsong and get there for a scrap of "life" and get swept into the deception. Out Baptist church building sing in that location songs and I cant sing them knowing that our church is supporting them. Hillsong pray the same prayer altogether before taking up a collection. Its plain greed for more and more than finances to be given to them. Our churches need to wake upwardly!

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